May 27, 2024

Top 5 MoEngage Alternatives in 2024

This blog presents Plotline, CleverTap, WebEngage, Braze, and as the top 5 alternatives to MoEngage.

Ananya Vairavarajan

To enhance personalized communications and engagement, a Customer Engagement Platform (CEP) is crucial. These platforms empower B2C businesses with targeted campaign launches across push, emails, in-app, etc for improved customer engagement.

MoEngage is a highly regarded CEP for consumer companies that uses data-driven insights to help businesses analyze customer behavior and communicate with them through personalized channels, such as mobile, web, and email.

However, in recent years, the competition in this sector has intensified considerably, leading to the emergence of numerous alternatives to MoEngage.

MoEngage: A short overview

MoEngage is based in San Francisco.

It provides a suite of features, including multi-channel communication (push, email, SMS, WhatsApp), customer analytics, AI-powered customer journey orchestration, and personalization tools - all accessible through a single dashboard.

Reasons some companies are looking to make a switch

  • Push notifications, emails, or SMS don’t improve in-app adoption, activation rates, etc
  • Brands want more options to communicate with users inside the app
  • Stitching in-app comms and outside-app comms proves to be very difficult
  • Popups appear at the wrong time (delays of 5-10s after event-fire)
  • In-app communication lacks context - not specific to any feature

Now that we’ve had a short glimpse of MoEngage, listed below are some top alternatives and competitors of MoEngage.


Admittedly, we're a little biased. Might have something to do with the fact that we work at Plotline.

Choose if: You are a mobile-first consumer tech company. By far, Plotline provides the best omni-channel capabilities especially if in-app is a crucial focus for you.

  1. Strength/uniqueness: Best in-app engagement modules - stories, videos, spotlights, tooltips, etc to drive feature adoption, retention, and LTV for your app.
  2. Features: Aids in omnichannel engagement (In-app, push, SMS, email, Whatsapp). Helps stitch outside and inside-app comms together for a unified customer journey.
  3. Main geography of operations: US, South East Asia, MENA.
  4. Pricing: The Starter plan starts at $499. You can book a call for a free trial.
Plotline-inside app engagement


Choose if: Inside-app is not a priority, you largely want to solve for outside-app communication.

  1. Strength/uniqueness: The stand-out feature of CleverTap is its push delivery rate compared to MoEngage.
  2. Features: CleverTap is very similar to MoEngage in terms of functionality - providing both engagement and analytics capabilities.
  3. Main geography of operations: India and APAC regions.
  4. Pricing: It offers MAU-based pricing and provides a 30-day free trial period up to 100K MAUs.


Choose if: Inside-app is not a priority, you largely want to solve for outside-app comms. WebEngage is typically slightly cheaper compared to CleverTap.

  1. Strength/uniqueness: WebEngage is the newer kid on the block, compared to CleverTap. Given the recency, it offers an easy-to-use interface.
  2. Features: WebEngage is very similar to CleverTap in terms of functionality - providing both engagement and analytics capabilities. It has also built a CDP for managing event pipelines.
  3. Main geography of operations: India and APAC regions.
  4. Pricing: Offers MAU-based or event-based pricing. Typically have a startup package as well.

Choose if: You are a tech-savvy marketer or a developer in a SaaS startup or an SMB (these companies make up more than 80% of its customer base).

  1. Strength/uniqueness: is very easy to get started with, which is why it attracts a lot of startups and SMBs. It offers a flexible data model that allows easy ingestion and updates of data without concerns about losing valuable information during integration.
  2. Features: You can seamlessly integrate email, SMS, push notifications, basic in-app messaging, and webhooks within a single workflow.
  3. Main geography of operations: Most of its customers are from the US and UK.
  4. Pricing: The availability of a free trial and flexible subscription options, including monthly, annual, and multi-year plans, make it more accessible and transparent for users.


Choose if: Price isn’t a concern for you. Braze is the priciest of all available solutions. In terms of features, it’s on par with MoEngage, CleverTap, etc.

  1. Strength/uniqueness: Its shape-based filters (rectangle, pentagon, custom-shaped) for location-based targeting. It also provides a Canvas Flow feature for building multi-channel automated campaigns, albeit exclusive to annual plan users.
  2. Features: Allows for engagement across push, mobile, SMS, and in-app messages.
  3. Main geography of operations: Braze has most of its customers in the US.
  4. Pricing: Braze's pricing is tied to data consumption, which can be advantageous for businesses that have predictable data usage patterns. In general, Braze will be much more expensive than MoEngage owing to its enterprise capabilities.

How to choose the right MoEngage alternative?

  • Choose Plotline if in-app engagement is crucial for you in addition to the regular push, email, SMS capabilities. If you’re looking to deploy Stories, Videos, etc in your app without developer effort, Plotline is the best choice.
  • CleverTap and WebEngage are great alternatives to MoEngage if you’re looking for the same functionalities MoEngage provides. If you only want to switch basis prices, these alternatives can give you a more cost-effective solution.
  • has a self-serve motion which is easier to get started with and suits most SaaS SMBs and startups.
  • Braze is a good alternative to MoEngage if you're a mid-market or enterprise-size mobile-first company and price isn’t a concern for you. It is by far the most expensive tool in the market.

Final thoughts

By thoroughly researching and comparing the above options, you can make a well-informed choice that aligns with your customer engagement strategy in 2024 and beyond.

If you're interested in learning more about how you can engage your users outside as well as inside your app to help you drive activation, retention, and monetization metrics, start your free trial with Plotline.

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