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MakeMyTrip uses real-time offers to convert users

Real-time offers help convert on-the-fence users to make a booking

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B2C companies regularly face high drop-offs 📉 right before the purchase action.

Consumers think they can proceed later, want to check prices elsewhere, get distracted, etc. How can you increase conversions from these on-the-fence users?

To nudge more users to make that booking, MakeMyTrip shows them offers and coupons in real-time ⏱.

Why this works

These in-app messages will be targeted only towards those users who’ve visited the checkout page, perhaps multiple times, and yet haven’t made a purchase.As soon as they return to the homepage for the 2nd or 3rd time, MakeMyTrip nudges them with an offer 📲.

The “Use coupon” CTA takes users back on their booking journey with another subtle nudge in the "Offers" section to enter the code and avail the discount.

This increases conversion rates 📈, by specifically targeting those users who’re on the fence.

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